Journey Wiki

Journey's 12th Anniversary Poster Winner!
Congratulations Kbak!
Join players around the world in celebration of Journey's 12th Anniversary fan event on March 13th!



Journey Wiki

IOS Version FAQ

iOS exploration test

Note: Sitting down can be a helpful way to communicate with your Companion. To trigger this manually, tap the icon on the upper left of the screen to trigger the screensaver, then tap the upper left corner again to exit.


Expert Mode

Fancy Flying on iOS

If playing iOS without a controller, fancy flying is possible, but its capabilities are limited due to a lack of multi-touch capability on iOS. As a result, the game camera will drift upward after a few moments, rendering various maneuvers either not as impressive or impossible compared to using a controller. However, doing fancy flying without a controller still provides a new and fun element to the game, and can be fun to try with Companions.

Tandem flying, coasting, and beaming down, which require a companion, should all be possible on iOS without a controller.

The following types of solo maneuvers should also be possible without a controller:

  • Dive Boost
  • Flyer Boost
  • Dropshoot
  • Charge Boost (notably limited boost ability)
  • ???

Going Out of Bounds (OOB) on iOS

In relation to the above, accessing the Out of Bounds without a controller is possible. However, entrances that require fancy flying maneuvers may not be usable at all, as the level of boost when playing in iOS without a controller is likely insufficient. As a result, it's recommended to try out OOB entry points that do not require fancy flying.

It is possible to access OOB for all levels except Chapter Select and Pink Desert*.

*Actually, MAYBE for a planned journey with a skilled companion, Rebi's Carpet Warp method might work, but no idea about that since I'm not very familiar with the method -curIOSer]

(all of the above requires verification from other iOS players if possible!)

Confirmed to have crash zones in iOS (tested on broken bridge)

CB point BB


Take this line and edit it to your wishes or remove for inserting a big video in the middle, with caption:

Video by Rebi on PS3. Length: 10 minutes.

Images and Videos

In-depth analysis


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See also

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