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Journey Wiki

Can we maybe get rid of that Huge "PS4 ONLY" banner? It's mentioned in the infobox, and too many banners are distracting. I'd leave Expert Mode and (possibly) Stub but I don't think the fact that it's a PS4-only glitch is SO important as to throw a huge banner in the reader's face like that. Qtzl3000 (talk) 06:05, 4 October 2020 (UTC)

i understand the thing with too many banners. those are to warn users that just explore the wiki, so they know asap "into your eye" what its about.

the more you use the wiki, you ll start not recognising that expert banner for example, you know that topic is expert. but if you are new, its probably hard to understand what that article is about. so we give hints.

i d rather remove expert banner then the warning that you cant do this awesome thing anywhere else. imagine you read it, dont really check on the info box, since you want to read the info in the article aka scroll down quick.

you go there, hyped and cant find it. go somewhere else its not there too.. then you go back to article and check and might see its not on your device.

we can bring this up on the wiki discord and ask the others, maybe we find a solution, but imo the ONLY disclaimers are very important. not everyone reads or recognises the info boxes.

Ravingmadness (talk) 16:12, 6 October 2020 (UTC)

As I said, my problem in this case is that it says "PS4 only" in the info box. We don't need another banner yelling at a random visitor "HEY AND BY THE WAY THIS IS PS4 ONLY, YOUR HEAR ME? PS4 ONLY!!!!". It even says in the text "...happens on PS4 only". Qtzl3000 (talk) 11:45, 7 October 2020 (UTC) (did I mention it's PS4 ONLY?!!!)

and as i said, if i have to read the article, only to find out that it doesnt concern me, that i can not ever see it (unless i buy the game again and maybe even a console)... thats for me even more important then saying "hey this is for experienced players". one can still gain the skill to get there/see it. we can get others involved, but imo its in general a minor thing and we should try to use our time on fixing the other tihngs first.

like a proper stylesheet and help on how to edit things.

Ravingmadness (talk) 14:44, 7 October 2020 (UTC)
